How to Land Your First Entry Level Tech Job: A Proven Guide for Beginners
Did you know that 86% of tech beginners spend over 6 months searching for their first entry-level tech job?
Can an Accent Have a Negative Impact on Your Interview?
You might be wondering if your accent can have a negative impact on your interview. You certainly raise a valid concern.
The Impact of Technology on Job Searching
Technological advances have impacted every segment of society, including the process of looking for employment.
7 Tips for Getting Into IT With Zero Experience
Whether you're working a dead-end job or transitioning out of the military, everybody has different reasons to make the jump into the IT industry.
10 Places You Can Find a Tech Job Online
It doesn’t help that there are so many internet job boards, sometimes it’s difficult to tell which ones are worth your time, especially if you’re looking for a specialized career or a site that recognizes your unique skill set.
7 Job Hunting Tips For Tech Newbies From The Experts
Ultimately, it all comes down to putting yourself out there. Create projects, make friends and connections in your industry, start building a name for yourself online, and keep learning.